Pipe Read online
Fallen Lords MC
Book 2
Winter Travers
Copyright © 2017 Winter Travers
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduction, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) utilization of this work without written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
For questions or comments about this book, please contact the author at [email protected]
Also by Winter Travers
Devil’s Knights Series:
Loving Lo
Finding Cyn
Gravel’s Road
Battling Troy
Gambler’s Longshot
Keeping Meg
Fighting Demon
Unraveling Fayth
Skid Row Kings Series:
Powerhouse M.A. Series:
Dropkick My Heart
Love on the Mat
Black Belt in Love
Fallen Lords MC Series
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Coming Next
About the Author
1st Chapter of Loving Lo
1st Chapter of Downshift
1st Chapter of Dropkick My Heart
As always, I wouldn’t be able to this without my boys..
Nikki Horn.
This one is for you, although I think you’ve claimed all of the Fallen Lords as your own. Slider might start getting jealous.
Chapter 1
“What are you doing here?”
Her doe eyes connected with mine,and she slightly shook her head. “I just came over to—”
“Sugarplum, who’s at the door?” Son of a bitch. Did she really have to open her mouth? It wasn’t any of her business who was at the door.
Nikki’s gaze dropped to the floor. Directly on my bare legs. Fuck.
“Keep your mouth shut,” I growled over my shoulder. You would think this bitch would know she was only good for one thing, and it didn’t involve talking.
She huffed out a frustrated breath but managed to actually keep her mouth shut.
Nikki shuffled backward, defeated. I had never seen this woman act like anything other than sassy and mouthy. Two things I normally hated in a woman, but with her, whenever she opened her mouth, my dick hardened and all I wanted was to fuck her against whatever flat surface was available. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I hadn’t thought you would be busy.”
If getting my dick sucked qualified as being busy, then yeah, I was busy. “You need something, sugar?”
She looked up and shook her head. “No. I’ll just be going.” She spun around, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me.
“Nikki, what’s going on? I really doubt you just came here to knock on my door and leave.”
Her eyes darted down the hallway, and her teeth snagged her bottom lip. “I was just over talking to Karmen, and I thought I would just stop over and say hi. So, hi.” She gave a small wave with the hand I wasn’t holding.
I call fucking bullshit. Nikki and I had spent some time together after the club scene where Morski had tried to grab Karmen. And when I say time, I mean all the thoughts of fucking the hell out of her happened in real life. “It’s almost midnight, sugar. I really doubt you were just coming over to say hi.”
She pulled her keys out of her pocket and jiggled them in my face. “Yup, that was exactly what I was doing. Karmen and I were just chatting, but I was on my way out.” She hitched her thumb over her shoulder and pulled her hand out of mine. “So I’ll just be going.”
“Nikki, wait,” I called. “Are you sure there isn’t anything you need from me?” She was running, and I didn’t know why.
She shook her head, and her voice cracked as she spoke. “No, I don’t need anything from you, Pipe.” A small, sad smile crossed her lips, and she disappeared down the hallway.
I couldn’t get that smile out of my mind.
It haunted me.
Day and night.
I fucked up.
Chapter 2
“Can I get a side of hash?”
“You put it on the ticket?”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “If I had, I wouldn’t be asking you.”
“Then no, you may not have a side of hash.”
“Then you can go tell the bitchy lady at table eleven in the corner she can’t have hash because she’s an indecisive cow who can’t make her mind up.” I grabbed the ticket Bos had in his hand and squiggled hash on the bottom of it. “There,” I growled, thrusting the ticket back at him. “The hash is on there.”
“Indecisive cow?” A chuckle rumbled from his lips, and he shook his head.
I leaned into the pass-through from the counter to the kitchen. “Yes, indecisive cow. It took the woman twenty minutes of me going over the menu with her to finally decide on the poached eggs and bacon. The fact she added the hash all on her own about bowled me over. Make the hash, now.” I was not prepared to go back over to her table and tell her she couldn’t have hash.
Bos huffed but turned his back to me with the ticket in his hand. He knew better than to go toe to toe with me when I was in a mood. I had only been here for a month, and he already knew not to mess with me.
“Bad day, sugar?”
I gritted my teeth. I hated when anyone called me sugar. My eyes closed, and I leaned back my head. “For the ninetieth time, Alice, please stop calling me sugar.”
She stepped next to me and bumped me with her hip. “Sorry, sugar.”
“It’s a good thing I like you, Alice. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I would have tit-punched you.”
She scoffed and pinned her ticket up for Bos. “Please, that would have been the most action I’ve had in months. The old girls would have liked the attention.”
“The fact you call your boobs ‘old girls’ worries me.”
“Would you prefer peaches and cream?” She snapped her gum and put her arm around my shoulders. “The Olson Twins?”
“Oh, my God,” I scoffed. “You are completely mental, you know that, righ
“You say mental, I say I know how to have fun.” She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. “You wanna go out tonight? I thought we could hit up The Mark and watch the latest Vin Diesel movie.”
“You mean the one you’ve watched the past month every weekend? And by the way, Fast 8 is not a new movie anymore.”
“Well, by Kales Corners standards, it is.”
I pulled away from her and turned around to lean against the counter. “I think I’m going to have to pass. The last three weekends of watching the same movie over and over have kind of grown unappealing.”
“Well, I suppose we could take this weekend off and do something different. Although, don’t make plans for next weekend because I think they are getting the one with Mark Wahlberg in it.” Alice grabbed a towel off the counter and wiped down the coffee machine. “That man is almost as dreamy as Vin.”
“Why don’t we go to the bar tonight?”
Alice scrunched up her nose. “Really? You’d rather go to the bar instead of the movies? There are only eighty-year-old men and college drop-outs there. I’m afraid to say the bar scene you’re probably used to is way better than The Bar. I mean, they couldn’t even come up with a decent name. It is literally called The Bar.”
She was right about the unoriginality of the name, but I needed a drink and didn’t feel like buying a bottle I was only going to have three sips out of and the rest would sit there. “We go to the bar for a few drinks, and then I promise, we can head back to your place and watch whatever Vin Diesel movie you want.”
Alice tilted her head to the side and stuck out her hand to me. “Deal,” she mumbled, shaking my hand. “I’ll pick you up at seven. We chug our drinks, and we can be back to my house by eight.”
I was going to accept that. If I drank enough, I would get drowsy and be out before we got through the opening credits of whatever movie Alice picked.
“Hash. Don’t forget to write on the ticket from now on.” Bos slammed down the plate behind me, and I closed my eyes. Oh, how I wished for the days of Karmen and me working together. Things were so much better back then. Now I was in this podunk town trying to heal a broken heart that never should have broken, but that was the silly thing about hearts.
They felt whatever they wanted, and there wasn’t any way to stop it.
Chapter 3
“Wake the hell up.”
I cracked open one eye and saw the dingy, dirty wall in front of me. An audible grunt rumbled from my lips, and I closed my eye. There wasn’t anything I needed to wake up for right now. After my full bottle of whiskey last night and not falling asleep until well after noon, nothing was going to get me out of this bed.
“Karmen thinks she knows where Nikki is. I need someone to ride with me.”
I willed my body to not jump out of bed. This wasn’t the first time Nickel had come to me with those exact same words. No one knew where Nikki had gone. She was here one day and then gone the next. After she had come to my door and heard the damn whore in my room, I couldn’t talk to her. She shut me out, and I couldn’t figure out how to get in. Hell, I don’t know why the hell I even wanted to get in.
She should have been some girl who I had slept with, and that was that, but she wasn’t. The one time we had been together was burned into my soul, and I couldn’t get her gone. “Not interested,” I grumbled.
Nickel yanked off my blanket, and a chill greeted me. “Thank Christ, your ass wasn't naked,” he chuckled. “We leave in two hours. She’s right this time.”
I rolled over and looked up at Nickel. “You said that the last two times we tore out of here like a bat out of hell, and she wasn’t there.”
“I sent Manic and Slayer ahead. They both said she’s there.”
I closed my eyes and shook my head. “You sure are going to a lot of trouble to find this chick.”
“She’s not some chick to Karmen.” Nickel moved to the door and looked over his shoulder. “And don’t try to deny she’s only just a chick to you too. You’ve changed, Pipe, and we all noticed when it happened.”
“I’m not into whatever Oprah shit you’re about to lay on me. I’m straight. Your ol’ lady’s friend doesn’t matter to me.” I grabbed my pillow and laid it over my face. “Get out,” I muffled.
“Well, I guess that’s more than you’ve ever said about Nikki before.”
Her name rolled around in my head like it always did. The only way I lost it was at the bottom of a bottle. I yanked the pillow off my head and tossed it in the direction of Nickel. “You wanna tell me what the hell is going to get you out of my room?”
“Five o’clock, be ready.” Nickel waltzed out of my room, leaving the door wide open.
Fucking hell.
I didn’t want to do this shit anymore.
I had followed every lead I could to find Nikki, and none of them panned out.
My gaze landed on the clock across the room. It was three-thirty, and I had barely slept three hours. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to sleep now I knew we were going to possibly see Nikki tonight.
“Did he tell you?” Karmen peeked her head in my room. She had a huge smile on her face, and she looked like she could break out into song at any moment. “We found her.”
“You think she wants to be found?” I didn’t want to be a dick, but you had to wonder, if Nikki went to such lengths to disappear, if she actually wanted to see any of us again.
Karmen cocked her head to the side. “She calls me. If she truly wanted to never talk to me again, then she wouldn’t call me.
She had a point. “You’re relentless, doll.”
“You’re coming with, right?”
I sat up, leaning back on my elbows. “You really need me there?” I don’t know why, but Karmen always insisted whenever Nickel got a lead on where Nikki was I needed to go along.
She had been gone a little over a month, and we had been on five wild goose chases looking for her.
She looked over her shoulder and stepped into my room. She pushed the door shut behind her and leaned against it. “Something happened, Pipe.”
“With what?”
“With you and Nikki. I’m not stupid. After the whole thing at the club where Morski tried to kidnap me, things changed with you and Nikki.”
“She tell you that?”
Karmen shook her head. “No. She swore up and down she wasn’t interested in you.”
I laid back down and held up my hands. “Then I guess you have your answer. She wasn’t interested in me, so nothing happened.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and paced the length of my room in front of my bed. “You think Nickel will like you being in my room with the door shut?” Not that Nickel would actually think that I would try anything with Karmen.
She tossed her hands up in the air and sighed. “You’re not going to distract me from this, Pipe. Something happened to you and Nikki. Something that made her run.”
“Nickel told me you said Nikki had been thinking about moving for a while.”
“Yeah, but if she were going to move because she was fed up with Weston, then she wouldn’t have left in the middle of the night like some thief. She left with no trace because of something that happened with you two.”
“You’re barking up the wrong tree, doll.” I wasn’t going to admit to anything. Nikki and I had knocked boots, but that was it. Neither of us had made any promises, so I wasn’t going to take any blame in her running. Did I feel like an ass for having another chick in my room when she showed up? Hell yes, but I hadn’t been doing anything wrong.
“No, I’m not, but I don’t think you’re up to admitting that just yet.” She moved to the door and pulled it open. “I’m assuming Nickel told you we are leaving in an hour, right?”
“He mentioned it.”
She nodded her head and slipped out the open door.
I didn’t want to go.
The odd sensation she had lef
t inside me when she disappeared wasn’t getting better, but I was getting used to it. The dull, nagging ache I felt was becoming a part of me. My hand grazed my chest, trying anything to brush away the feeling.
I did that often.
Fuck it.
I was going to go. Maybe seeing Nikki again would give me closure or some shit like that. I wasn’t a damn shrink, and there was no way in hell you would ever catch me talking about my feelings with some stranger, but just maybe seeing Nikki would make everything go back to the way it was.
Back to when the only person I cared about was myself.
Back to getting my dick wet with anyone I wanted.
Back to before Nikki.
Chapter 4
What in the hell was she wearing?
“Um, Alice? Is that what you are wearing?” My gaze traveled over her clothes as she backed out of my duplex, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She had to be going back to her house to change. I had never met someone who would step foot out of the house wearing what she was.
“What? Why?” She shifted the car into drive and launched us forward toward The Bar.
It was a quarter after seven, and Alice was late, but I was used to that. Alice was late no matter what she was doing. Bos, who made the work schedule, had two schedules. One for Alice, and one for the rest of us. Her schedule was always fifteen minutes ahead of the schedule we had.
I shifted in my seat and rested my hand on her arm. “Sweetie, you are wearing a one-piece pajama suit thing in a very loud cow print.”
She rolled her eyes and turned onto the main drag of Kales Corners. “I know. I’m the one who dressed myself.”
“Is the dress code at The Bar nap time chic?” Although what Alice was wearing was anything but chic. “Where do you even find something like that?”
Alice snickered. “Oh, you got jokes now, huh?”
I tried wiping the smile off my face, but it was damn near impossible. “Seriously, what is with the moo moo onesie?”